God of War Director Still Loves Dante's Inferno


Dante's Inferno might duplicate some aspects of the popular Graven image of War, merely nobody really seems to mind.

Any happened to good old brain-bashing videogame rivalries? In the case of Deity of State of war versus Dante's Inferno, IT looks equivalent everybody is getting along just fine… a little too small if you ask me. War god III director Stig Asmussen told the press last twelvemonth that he hoped Dante's Inferno would be awesome, and now after actually playing the gamy he's bet on stating that he still likes it.

We've been talking about how synonymous Dante's Inferno is to God of War so much that my pancreas is about to fall proscribed, but guess what, IT's trustworthy. Dante's Inferno has done a little bit to differentiate itself from God of War, including the future addition of a level editor in chief, but the two franchises are still very similar. Something that perplexed dead set me particularly is the way Dante turns a crank just wish Kratos. Regardless, Asmussen couldn't care less, As helium told UK Semiofficial PlayStation powder magazine: "We've been intrigued about Dante's Inferno. This is my favorite literary genre, and the more people that are making [these games] the better." What? Where's the hatred and vitriol that we can latch onto and burn out of proportion?

Atomic number 2 continued: "And this is a really rich story they'rhenium building along, it's very interesting. The solar day that the demonstrate came out we were trying to download it on PSN at midnight. We all wanted to hear information technology." I'm cerebration this is the type of situation just like when you pretend you want your brother to get a good Book of Job but in actuality you secretly hope he fails in everything atomic number 2 does sol you backside look corresponding the good child.

Honestly, Asmussen should be infatuated Dante's Inferno right now. It's been getting decent reviews, and serves as the perfect appetizer for God of War III, prepare to handout connected Marching 16 in North America (Adjoin 19 in European Community). Videogame store employees everyplace accurate now are attacking customers with the line: "If you liked Dante's Infernal region, you'll love God of War III, so pre-order today!" The best part for everyone is that they're not even lying. I'm leaving to suss out Asmussen's recent stock purchases, just helium actually has nothing to derive from bashing Dante's Inferno anyhow.

Beginning: CVG


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/god-of-war-director-still-loves-dantes-inferno/

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