Within My Heart I Know I ll Never Love Again

Romeo and Juliet Translation Act 2, Scene 3

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FRIAR LAWRENCE enters past himself, conveying a handbasket.


The gray-eyed morning smiles on the frowning nighttime, Checkering the eastern clouds with streaks of light, And fleckled darkness like a boozer reels From forth day'south path and Titan'due south fiery wheels. Now, ere the sun advance his burning middle, The twenty-four hour period to cheer and night's dank dew to dry out, I must upfill this osier cage of ours With baleful weeds and precious-juicèd flowers. The earth, that's natu re's mother, is her tomb. What is her burying, grave that is her womb. And from her womb children of defined kind We sucking on her natural bosom find, Many for many virtues fantabulous, None just for some and yet all dissimilar. Oh, mickle is the powerful grace that lies In herbs, plants, stones, and their true qualities. For naught so vile that on the earth doth live But to the earth some special skilful doth give. Nor nix and then proficient but, strained from that fair use Revolts from truthful nascency, stumbling on corruption. Virtue itself turns vice, existence misapplied, And vice former by activity dignified.


The morning smiles every bit it replaces frowning night, and streaks light across the clouds in the east. Darkness staggers away from the sun's path like a boozer. Now, before the sun rises, bringing on the day and drying the dew, I must fill my basket with poisonous weeds and the precious nectar of flowers. The earth is both nature's female parent and its tomb. Plants arise from the earth every bit from a womb, and when they dice, they are cached in the globe. Many unlike plants and animals come up from the globe's womb. All of these children discover nourishment from the world, and all have some special, unique virtue. In that location is a power that resides in herbs, plants, and stones. For there's nothing on globe that's then evil that it does non also provide the world with some kind of good. Nor is at that place annihilation so expert that it can't be turned bad if it's abused and used incorrectly. Virtue, when misused, turns to vice, while vice can sometimes get virtue through proper activeness.

Within the infant rind of this small flower Poisonous substance hath residence and medicine power. For this, being smelt, with that part thanks each part; Beingness tasted, stays all senses with the heart. Ii such opposèd kings encamp them still, In man as well every bit herbs—grace and rude will. And where the worser is predominant, Full soon the canker decease eats up that found.

Inside the small rind of this little flower in that location is both poisonous substance and medicine. If you smell it, you experience proficient. If you taste information technology, information technology stops your heart. 2 opposing elements, good and evil, reside in both men and herbs. In the cases where evil predominates, death will presently kill the plant or body similar a cancer.


Expert morrow, Male parent.


Good morning time, father.


Benedicite. What early tongue so sweetness saluteth me? Young son, it argues a distempered head So shortly to bid adept morrow to thy bed. Care keeps his watch in every old human being's middle, And where care lodges, slumber volition never lie. But where unbruisèd youth with unstuffed brain Doth burrow his limbs, there golden sleep doth reign. Therefore thy earliness doth me assure M art uproused by some distemperature. Or if not so, and then here I striking it correct: Our Romeo hath not been in bed tonight.


God bless you. Whose voice greets me so sweetly this early in the morning? My son, jumping so chop-chop out of bed this early indicates some trouble in your thoughts. All quondam men have concerns, and these worries never allow them sleep. Young men, though, should be carefree and without worry, and their sleep should be restful and long. Therefore, the fact that y'all're awake so early makes it clear that some anxiety has yous in its grip. Or, if that'due south not truthful, then I'd guess that you lot really never went to sleep at all this evening.


That terminal is true. The sweeter balance was mine.


That last is correct. The rest I had was sweeter than sleep.


God pardon sin! Wast thou with Rosaline?


God forgive all sin!—Did you sleep with Rosaline?


With Rosaline, my ghostly Father? No. I have forgot that proper noun and that name'due south woe.


With Rosaline, my holy begetter? No, I have forgotten her and the sadness she gave me.


That'south my adept son. Only where hast m been, then?


That'southward good, my son. Just where were you, then?


I'll tell thee ere thou inquire information technology me again. I have been feasting with mine enemy, Where on a sudden one hath wounded me, That's by me wounded. Both our remedies Within thy help and holy physic lies. I bear no hatred, blessèd human being, for, lo, My intercession likewise steads my foe.


I'll tell you lot before you ask me again. I've been at a party with my enemy, where suddenly someone wounded me and was in turn wounded by me. Only both of us can be cured by your holy power. I concur no hatred, blessed male parent, considering my request will as well help my enemy.


Be apparently, skilful son, and homely in thy drift. Riddling confession finds but riddling shrift.


Speak plain, my son. Be clear. A confusing confession will result only in confused absolution.


Then plainly know my heart'due south honey love is prepare On the off-white daughter of rich Capulet. As mine on hers, so hers is set on mine, And all combined, save what one thousand must combine By holy marriage. When and where and how Nosotros met, nosotros wooed and made exchange of vow, I'll tell thee as we pass, only this I pray: That g consent to marry the states today.


Here information technology is set plain: I beloved the cute daughter of rich Capulet. I love her, and she loves me. We're bound together, and need just for you to combine the states completely by marrying usa. In good fourth dimension I'll tell you about when and where and how nosotros met, how we wooed each other and vowed our love. But  now I pray that you will agree to ally us today.


Holy Saint Francis, what a change is here! Is Rosaline, whom m didst love so dear, So soon forsaken? Young men'due south love and so lies Non truly in their hearts, simply in their eyes. Jesu Maria, what a deal of brine Hath washed thy sallow cheeks for Rosaline! How much salt h2o thrown away in waste material To season honey that of it doth non gustatory modality! The sunday not all the same thy sighs from sky clears, Thy old groans ring however in my ancient ears. Lo, here upon thy cheek the stain doth sit Of an old tear that is not washed off yet. If e'er grand wast thyself and these woes thine, One thousand and these woes were all for Rosaline. And art thou changed? Pronounce this judgement then: Women may fall when there'south no force in men.


Holy Saint Francis, what an incredible change! Have you then quickly abandoned Rosaline, whom you loved then much? If and so, then young men love not with their hearts but with their eyes. Jesus and Mary, you cried so many tears for Rosaline! So many salty tear-drops wasted, seasoning a beloved you never even tasted! The sunday has not all the same burned away the fog from all your sighs. My former ears are still ringing from your groans. And look, here on your cheek there's a stain from an old tear that has not still been washed off. If y'all were e'er yourself and this sorrow yours, you lot and your sorrow were all for Rosaline. And are you at present changed? Then say the post-obit: women will never exist faithful when men are so unreliable.


Thou chid'st me often for loving Rosaline.


You ofttimes scolded me for loving Rosaline.


For doting, non for loving, pupil mine.


I scolded you for obsessing, not for loving, my student.


And badest me bury love.


And you urged me to bury my beloved.


Not in a grave, To lay one in, another out to have.


Just non to bury it in a grave in guild to start a new love.


I pray thee, chide non. Her I dear at present Doth grace for grace and dear for dearest permit. The other did not and so.


I beg y'all, don't scold me. The one I beloved at present returns my love. The other did not.


Oh, she knew well Thy love did read by rote, that could non spell. But come, young waverer, come, get with me, In one respect I'll thy assistant be, For this alliance may and so happy prove To turn your households' rancor to pure dear.


Oh, Rosaline knew that you were play-acting at dearest but did not actually empathize what love means. But come up with me, my young unreliable friend. I'll help y'all, because information technology's possible that this union may transform your two families' hatred into pure honey.


Oh, let u.s. hence. I stand on sudden haste.


Let's go, and then! Allow'due south do this quickly.


Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast.


Become wisely, and go slowly. Those who rush into things stumble.


Source: https://www.litcharts.com/shakescleare/shakespeare-translations/romeo-and-juliet/act-2-scene-3

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