at its height what was the total export of farm goods to china

China: Evolving Demand in the World's Largest Agricultural Import Market

|   International Agricultural Trade Written report

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While trade tensions and China's retaliatory tariffs slashed U.S. agricultural exports to People's republic of china in 2018 and 2019, Cathay'southward agricultural purchases from the residuum of the world connected quickly. China is now the world's largest agricultural importer, surpassing both the European Union (EU) and the United States in 2019 with imports totaling $133.1 billion. What'southward more, the composition of China's imports is also quickly changing. Whereas bulk commodities once dominated, higher-valued consumer-oriented products are now surging ahead, eclipsing the onetime for the first time in 2019. While implementation of the U.South.-China Economic and Merchandise (Phase I) Understanding and the economical response to Covid-nineteen currently overshadows the trade landscape, the biggest challenges facing U.Southward. agricultural exports in Prc are more competition from other suppliers and U.S. agriculture's ability to meet increasingly diverse Chinese import needs.

Market Overview

Ascent income and living standards, increasing urbanization, and nutrient safety concerns take fueled Communist china'south agricultural imports, specially since the state'south accession to the Earth Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. Every bit incomes rose, the average Chinese nutrition changed to include more meat, dairy, and processed foods, while grain consumption declined. Betwixt 2000 and 2019, per capita consumption of poultry meat increased 32 percent, soybean oil consumption more than quadrupled, and fluid milk intake more than tripled.ane

Line graph showing China's agricultural imports from the world broken out by bulk, intermediate, and consumer-oriented products

As a relatively state-scarce state (per capita arable land is less than ane-5th of that in the United states of america), during the showtime decade following its WTO accession, land-intensive bulk commodities, such as soybeans, sorghum, and cotton drove Prc's agricultural imports. Cathay has been producing well-nigh of the meat information technology consumes, and this dietary modify has fatigued more than of the country's state into feed product. However, domestic feed supplies take been unable to keep up with soaring demand, and imports of soybeans and other feed ingredients expanded chop-chop.

Around 2012, however, the country'due south bulk import value reached a turning point and stopped growing. This changing trend coincided with a pregnant slowdown in China's economic growth. Soybean imports have been flat since that time. Cotton fiber imports dropped off precipitously from a peak of $eleven.9 billion in 2012, during a period when China stockpiled domestic cotton wool to support prices and cheaper imports of cotton wool surged to encounter cloth need.2 Red china's policy to support producers' income through minimum purchasing prices has also led to stockpiling of wheat, rice, and corn in state reserves. Since 2014, corn stocks take amounted to over 60 percent of the world'due south full. To dispose of the large corn stocks, the government had been auctioning off corn at beneath acquisition cost in recent years, while discouraging imports of corn and corn substitutes with various measures favoring utilization of domestic grains. Some of these measures may have gone too far, though, as anti-dumping duties on U.S. distillers stale grains with solubles (DDGs) and Australian barley accept limited feed mills' options for feedstuff as the country rebuilds its hog sector from the outbreaks of African Swine Fever (ASF) at a faster-than-predictable pace. This has led China'south imports of grains to rebound so far in 2020 as it also seeks to >protect itself from distribution concatenation disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and brand adept on pledges to buy more than U.S. crops nether the Phase One Agreement.

China'due south imports of intermediate products have declined since 2012. Palm oil, soybean oil, and hides and skins imports dropped the nearly. The decline in palm oil and soybean oil imports is partly due to an excess domestic processing capacity and crowd. Equally earth need for leather has softened in contempo years, and so have Mainland china's imports of hides and skins used in the clothes and automotive industries. In addition, some of the leather manufacture has moved from Mainland china to Southeast Asia and elsewhere, farther reducing Communist china'due south demand for hides and skins.

In dissimilarity, imports of consumer-oriented products continued expanding, led by meat, dairy, and horticultural products. Rising need, slow growth in domestic supply, and growing costs of feed, labor, and land are pushing domestic meat and dairy prices higher, which makes imported meats more competitive in Red china.3 More recently, ASF has disrupted the domestic pork supply and led to cost increases in all types of animal proteins and an overall precipitous ascension in food prices in 2019, further fueling protein imports. China is the globe'due south largest pork market with imports of $6.four billion in 2019. The Eu and the United States are the top suppliers, with market share of 63 pct and xvi per centum in trade value, respectively. Brazil, which did not outset shipping substantial quantities of pork products to China until 2016, quickly rose as the third largest pork supplier with a 9-per centum marketplace share.

Area chart showing China's imports of consumer-oriented products broken out by sector

With rise consumption and very limited capacity to abound domestic beef production, China increasingly meets its beef demand through imports. Beefiness and beef product imports have grown exponentially since 2012, with an annual tendency of 48 per centum, propelling it to surpass the United states and go the largest beef market place in 2019 with imports at $eight.4 billion. Top suppliers are Brazil, Commonwealth of australia, and Argentina, with market shares of 25 percentage, 21 percent, and 21 percent, respectively.

Communist china is also the earth's top market for dairy imports, valued at $12.0 billion in 2019. The state's consumption of dairy products is growing rapidly from a historically low base, making People's republic of china the most dynamic segment of the global dairy market place.4 Estimated per capita consumption is currently 35 kilograms per year, compared to 300 kilograms in Western Europe. Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) prepackaged milk and whole milk pulverisation are major components of Prc's dairy imports, but the real driver of import expansion in recent years has been babe formula. Despite government efforts to tighten regulations and industry consolidation following the 2008 melamine scandal, food safety concerns for domestically produced infant formula linger and underpin consumer preference for foreign supplies. In 2012, China reduced the import tariff of special infant formula from ten per centum to 5 percent. 2 years later on, the authorities also approved cross-border east-commerce channels where consumers could directly order products from abroad at a lower tax rate. Infant formula imports rose meteorically afterward 2014, while other powdered products fell off. In 2008, baby formula deemed for 28 percentage of China'due south dairy imports. That share rose to 45 percentage in 2019. Peak dairy suppliers to China are the EU and New Zealand. The European union dominates Cathay's infant formula marketplace, with an overall dairy market share of 45 percent. New Zealand has expanded sales under its free trade understanding with Communist china and at present enjoys a twoscore-percent marketplace share.

Increasing need for healthy foods is driving higher fruit and tree nut sales. People's republic of china is the globe's 3rd largest fresh fruit importer, with imports valued at $8.6 billion in 2019. Durians, cherries, and bananas business relationship for virtually one-half of all fresh fruit imports. Thailand, Republic of chile, and Vietnam are the largest suppliers. Consumers are increasingly aware of the health benefits of tree nuts and, according to importers in Communist china, consider them an "honest" food that is hard to attenuated. China's tree nut imports accept sustained a 26-per centum annual trend growth since 2001, reaching $2.8 billion in 2019. The United states of america is the largest supplier with a market share of xxx percentage, followed by Australia (14 percent) and Vietnam (12 percent).

The U.s.a. used to be China's largest agricultural supplier merely was overtaken past Brazil and, more recently, the European union. Almost 85 percent of Brazil's exports to China consist of soybeans, although meat exports from Brazil are also seeing rapid growth. Over 80 percentage of Communist china's imports from the EU are consumer-oriented products, led by dairy and pork. Other summit suppliers include Australia and New Zealand, both costless trade agreement partners with China.

Area chart showing the main agricultural suppliers to China from 2001 - 2019.  The current lead supplier is Brazil, followed by the EU, and then the U.S.

U.S. Exports to Cathay

Starting in the 1990s, U.South. exports benefited from China'due south policy strategy of allowing imports of land-intensive feeds and industrial raw materials. In recent years, as Red china'south livestock industry has hit a ceiling on its growth and consumers have more than purchasing power, in that location has been a shift from importing raw materials toward importing meat, dairy, and other value-added products. U.Due south. agricultural exports to China peaked in 2012 at $25.9 billion with a market share of 25 percentage. Both figures have been in refuse since and then. A strong U.S. dollar, lagging compliance with China'south import requirements, specially for value-added products, and Prc's effort to diversify its agricultural suppliers have all been contributing to the refuse. More recently, merchandise tensions and retaliatory tariffs accept led to farther slides in market place share. U.S market share dropped 9 percentage points between 2017 and 2019 to 10 pct, the lowest in 20 years based on available data.

Feed ingredients destined for the livestock and poultry industries dominate U.Due south. exports to People's republic of china. On boilerplate, soybeans take accounted for over 50 percent of U.S. agricultural shipments there since 2001. U.S. soybean exports have lost ground to Brazilian supplies as the latter expands production and maintains price competitiveness on a favorable exchange rate. Brazil surpassed the United States as the largest soybean supplier to China in 2013; its soybean production recently overtook U.Due south. output also. Since 2018, ASF has flattened soybean demand growth in People's republic of china. The combined bear on of increased competition and slower demand growth has reduced U.S. soybean exports beneath where they would accept been if ASF and a weak real were not present. Other feed ingredients, such as coarse grains, DDGs, and feeds and fodders have been of import drivers of U.S. agricultural exports to Cathay between 2012 and 2016 but have waned during 2017 through 2019 as Cathay drew downward its large corn stocks and discouraged imports of corn substitutes, including imposing high tariffs on U.S. DDGs and sorghum. U.Southward. sorghum exports started to rebound in 2020 afterwards People's republic of china waived tariffs on the grain as office of the Phase Ane Agreement.

Area graph showing U.S. agricultural exports to China from 2001-2019.

Cotton and hides used to account for a significant portion of U.S. exports to China. The land has the world's largest textile and leather production industries, which are well known for their enormous exports and rise domestic use. However, China's import demand for both input materials has declined along with world demand for cotton and leather products, partly as employ of constructed or man-made materials gain market place share.

Compared to majority and intermediate commodities, U.S. exports of consumer-oriented products accept maintained a growing tendency, specially for meat, tree basics, and prepared food. U.S. exports of pork and pork products to China more than quintupled over the concluding decade. China has periodically rejected U.S. pork exports from animals treated with ractopamine, a feed additive that promotes lean musculus growth in swine. In recent years, volatility in the Chinese pork industry, due to disease outbreaks and environmental regulations, has led to higher domestic prices and expansion in U.S. exports. Since regaining access to the Chinese market in 2017 (after the shut-out due to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy), U.S. beefiness exports have grown steadily. U.S. tree nut exports to China accept expanded over 300 pct since 2010, with pistachios and almonds leading the growth. Processed food exports nigh quadrupled every bit Chinese consumers have shown a growing appetite for food preps, pastry products, and soup.

A notable exception to the growing consumer-oriented production exports is dairy, which experienced several setbacks in contempo years. U.S. dairy exports grew rapidly betwixt 2009 and 2013, led by nonfat dry milk and whey. In 2014, China issued Decree 145, which requires registration of overseas manufacturers. Information technology caused problems for the U.S. Food and Drug Assistants (FDA) past requiring attestation that the food product manufacturer is in compliance with the standards, laws, and regulations of China. Because the FDA does not unremarkably attest to foreign standards and was unable to meet the requirements, China did not register all U.S. dairy facilities exporting to China between May 2014 and July 2017.5 The issue was resolved when the U.s. and China signed a memorandum of agreement (MOU) in June 2017, and U.S. dairy exports to People's republic of china rebounded that year. However, retaliatory tariffs imposed on U.S. dairy the last two years reduced U.S. dairy marketplace share from 7 percent in 2017 to 4 percent in 2019. Compared to 10 years ago, however, U.Southward. dairy exports in 2019 were still up 58 percent in value.

Phase Ane Agreement, Covid-19 Pandemic, and Beyond

The signing of the U.S.-Communist china Economical and Trade (Phase One) Agreement was January fifteen, 2020, , eight days before the central Chinese metropolis of Wuhan went on lockdown to stalk the spread of the novel coronavirus, followed days afterwards by quarantine measures in much of the residuum of the state. While the lockdown temporarily halted a wide swath of Chinese economic activities and led to an abrupt decline in household income and expenditure, food spending has been resilient, as consumers stepped upward purchasing through e-commerce over traditional retail, and household expenditure on food actually increased two percentage in the first quarter of the year compared to the same period in 2019.6 China's Jan-July imports were $12.iv billion above a year ago and $19.v billion higher than 2017.

Column chart showing the total value of U.S. agricultural exports to China from 2011 to 2020.

As part of the Phase One Understanding, Mainland china has committed to purchase $12.5 billion more agronomical and related products from the United States over 2017 levels.7After a slow start in the first quarter, U.S. agronomical exports to China increased step in April through July, with shipments exceeding seasonal trend. However, from January-July, U.S. agricultural exports to China were all the same sixteen per centum (or $1.iii billion) beneath the aforementioned catamenia in 2017, largely due to lagging soybean shipments. Export sales of soybeans take accelerated in contempo months, while sales and shipments of grains accept also picked upwardly steam.

Year-to-date U.South. consumer-oriented production exports to China have more than doubled from 2017 levels, led by record pork shipments. China's pork and pork product imports have more than tripled then far this year as ASF continues to put upward force per unit area on prices. While both the European union and the United States have captured some of the growth in China's pork market place, Brazil managed to expand its market share from 3 percent in 2017 to 10 percent currently. China's beef imports also rose every bit domestic beef prices moved upward in tandem with pork. Due south America, Australia, and New Zealand deemed for most of the beef supplies to China. Brazil has been shipping tape value of beef there.

A series of stacked column charts illustrating China's import totals by value of soybeans, cotton, pork and beef.

The merchandise data suggest that the biggest challenge facing U.S. agricultural trade with Cathay thus far in 2020 is strong contest, specially from Brazil. It stands to notation that, indirectly, the pandemic has led to a more favorable exchange rate for the Brazilian real, boosting the country'southward competitiveness and helping it to transport tape amounts of soybeans to China in the start half of the year. Meanwhile, China continues to implement its tariff exclusion process to facilitate importing U.Southward. commodities. It has updated lists of U.S. facilities eligible to export beefiness, pork, poultry, seafood, dairy, and infant formula products. As a consequence of these deportment, more U.Due south. facilities are eligible to export U.S. agricultural products to People's republic of china than ever earlier.8

Prc's economy has been slowly recovering from its months-long lockdown. July industrial output grew four.4 percent from a year ago, expanding for the fourth straight month. The World Banking company projects China's Gross Domestic Production (Gdp) growth for 2020 to be 1.0 percent. Other organizations, such as Morgan Stanley and Oxford Economics, are forecasting a range of 2.0 to ii.5 percent. In contrast, the Earth Bank expects Emerging Market and Developing Economies' (EMDMs) Gdp to contract ii.five percent this year, while GDP of Advanced Economies projects a shrinkage of vii pct. According to the World Bank, Prc'southward Gross domestic product growth expects to bounce dorsum to six.9 pct in 2021— 0.eight percentage bespeak in a higher place the pre-pandemic 2019 level.

The pandemic notwithstanding, China projects to accept ane of the fastest economic growth rates in the earth, and the land expects to add together 189 million middle-class households in the coming decade, which means ascent need for meat, dairy, and other food and beverages. Nonetheless, lagging growth in domestic supply, shortage of upper-case letter investment, competition for land use from urbanization and industrialization, and increasing cost of labor and inputs will lead to college prices and fuel connected growth in imports. The shifting patterns of Cathay'south agricultural imports in recent years point to a dynamic growth market. For many years, soybeans take been the engine of growth for U.S. agricultural exports. Information technology is unlikely that U.South. soybean exports will recapture its past say-so in the Chinese market anytime before long. The challenge for U.S. agricultural exports is finding a way to evolve and grow forth with Cathay'south import demand.


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